Travel Packing List
Keep track of all the items you need to pack with this Notion template.
🧳 The Travel Packing List is a simple Notion template checklist to make sure you never forget to pack important items for your trips. The checklist is also great for making sure you pack everything on your list for your return home.
- Checklist categories include: Essentials & Carry On, Personal Care, Makeup, Clothes, Electronics, and Baby Stuff.
- Category toggle headings make it easier to expand and close the checklist. Simply click on the toggle for each category to reveal its checklist.
- Click on the "Create a New Travel Packing List" button to create a new list for each time you travel.
- If you prefer, you can reuse one list for each time your travel by checking items off while you pack and unchecking items after you’ve returned from your trip.
- The template is optimized for both mobile and desktop.
Note: Due to the issue of Notion templates getting shared by being duplicated to workspaces there is a no-returns policy for all of my Notion templates. Please contact me if you have any questions before getting the template.
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